1 inspiring quote + 2 pro-homeschooler tips + 3 can’t-miss resources =
the 5-minute coffee companion you can’t start your homeschool day without.
One Inspiring Quote

Grab this wallpaper from quotefancy.
Two Tried & True Homeschool Tips
1. Want to save time and homeschool more effectively? In this podcast, Charlotte Jones of My Little Homeschool and I explain how using ChatGPT.

2. The older my kids get the more I see how critical critical thinking skills are to understanding more advanced content. Check out this podcast where one of my personally favorite people, Julie Bogart, explains how to teach it.

Three Can’t-Miss Educational Resources

- Beware the Ides of March . . . but why? Learn about what this phrase meant to the ancient Romans and how it came into our popular culture.

2. We get this famous phrase from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, which includes other gems like “Et tu, Brute?” and, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings.” It makes a great unit study for the month of March!

3. And after reading the play, learn about the real-life death of Julius Caesar and separate the fact from the fiction.