1 inspiring quote + 2 pro-homeschooler tips + 3 can’t-miss resources =
the 5-minute coffee companion you can’t start your homeschool day without.
One Inspiring Quote
“If you want your children to improve, let them overhear the nice things you say about them to others.”
– from Teacher and Child: A Book for Parents and Teachers by Haim G. Ginott
Two Tried & True Homeschool Tips
1. Our homeschool group is doing ice pops at the park today (in California’s summer heat). Check out this genius hack I found for keeping the ice pops frozen! I’m definitely using this one today.
2. Incidentally, we’re also doing sidewalk chalk art. So, I thought I’d pop in my favorite tip for what to do with all those grimy leftover chalk stubs.
Three Can’t-Miss Educational Resources
1. We love the logic cards and other resources from SchoolofThought.org. You’ll want to add their curated list of free learning resources to your bookmarks!
2. I was engrossed in research for history book #2 this week, when I stumbled across the Zinn Education Project. They have an engaging selection of resources that “emphasize the role of working people, women, people of color, and organized social movements in shaping history.”
3. We’re tackling pre-algebra this year! So, I found this comprehensive list of free downloadable/printable worksheets that you can use for warm-up, review, or extra practice. And, yes, answers are included. 😉