1 inspiring quote + 2 pro-homeschooler tips + 3 can’t-miss resources =
the 5-minute coffee companion you can’t start your homeschool day without.
One Inspiring Quote
“School is the advertising agency which makes you believe that you need the society as it is.”
– from Deschooling Society by Ivan Illich
Two Tried & True Homeschool Tips
1. I believe there are far more similarities than we think between running a business and running a homeschool. I know that sounds like it’s impersonalizing homeschooling, but managing, inspiring, and motivating are not impersonal tasks. Food for thought is this article about the positive effect of replacing managers with coaches. How can we leverage this information in our homeschooling?
2. Check out this article from Big Think on building “connection capital” with your child. It is full of excellent information on why focusing on relationship comes before anything else and how to do it.
Three Can’t-Miss Educational Resources
1. My daughter is learning the violin this summer. So, I’m on the hunt for the best music resources out there. Check out 8Notes amazing variety of free sheet music, composer information, lesson plans, and more.
2. Did you know SkillTrek offers a free skill of the week? This curriculum teaches every life skill you can think of for every age, from making your bed to changing a car tire. Take advantage of their weekly free offering!
3. Is poetry in your language arts plan for next year? Poets.org has a wealth of lesson plans, a glossary of terms, poetry for kids and teens, and more.