Why make a plan?
Ever have the unsettling feeling that you’re doing this homeschooling thing by the seat of your pants? That’s only one of the many reasons why making a long-term homeschooling plan is well worth your time.
Some of the benefits of having even a sketch of a plan are:
- You are not at a total loss when you sit down to choose next year’s curriculum. Are we studying chemistry or physics this year? Should we include a foreign language yet or wait?
- You’re not so worried about missing something. You can see at a glance when subjects will be covered or re-covered so you lose that Do-All-The-Things-Now feeling.
- You know what subjects to prioritize and when.
If you want to know that you have got it all under control . . . if you want to lift the shroud of mist over the homeschooling years ahead . . . you need a plan.