Johnny Appleseed Notebooking Pages and Unit Study Resources
Last week, we had apple-themed printables, crafts, recipes, and more for your preschooler. This week, we have some more apple-y goodness for your elementary-aged student.
September 26th marks Johnny Appleseed’s 243rd birthday. And he makes a wonderful topic for a unit study. There are tons of books on the subject at every reading level. You can incorporate him easily into history or geography. How about botany, gardening, or cooking?Continue Reading
Apple-Themed Preschool Printables, Crafts, Recipes & More
Is it fall where you’re at right now? I love sweaters and pumpkins and everything autumn! This is a post packed with apple-y goodness for your preschooler. And we also have Johnny Appleseed notebooking pages and unit study resources for your elementary-aged students.
As promised—I am updating my preschool category with these free apple-themed preschool printables that teach:
- counting,
- number recognition,
- uppercase and lowercase A,
- fine motor skills,
- matching, and more.
A Homeschool Routine That Works with Young Children
It is challenging, to say the least, to get school accomplished with multiple children of young ages. This year I have one in second grade and one in preschool. So, I know it’s only going to get more difficult from here for the next couple of years as my youngest ramps up but my oldest still needs lots of hands-on help.
We are four weeks into our school year so far. And I am very happy to say we have established a good routine. It doesn’t take all day to get through lessons, and meltdowns and distractions have been minimized. We have a routine, not a schedule, because that just works better for our lives right now. The goal is to start by 9:00. Then we just take things, one at a time, until we’re done.
This is what our homeschool routine with young children looks like:Continue Reading